Mindset Monday - Service That Serves You


“Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth”

- Muhammad Ali


As sales people, leaders, or members of a team, we are constantly looking for motivation. We even find it sometimes, but it is fleeting - motivation doesn’t seem to stick around very long. Not if there isn’t something powerful behind it. Something that is constantly stoking the flame. I have only found one source of perpetual motivation. A chain reaction that keeps the fire burning for me. To actively and with consistency, keep the focus on serving others. Not just providing a service or completing the functions of your job for your client or coworkers, but approaching each day from a servants perspective.


This is something that we need to remind ourselves of regularly. If we don’t the focus slips. It is too easy to digress. The stress of our day and life takes us from being a servant, to providing a service, to just completing job tasks if we aren’t careful.


Ask yourself these questions daily:

  1. How can I go above and beyond to make sure my client can hit their personal/financial goals? How can I be unreasonable in my service to them?

  2. How can I serve my coworkers to help them get what it is they are working toward? If my people get what they want, I more than likely will as well.

  3. How do I take an active role in my partners business to help them get to their goal? Not just doing a great job with their referrals, but offering support that serves their growth. Do we even know what they are really after? In their words. Not just more deals, but what will those extra deals will get them? Its more than money I guarantee it. Ask them.


As humans we need a sense of purpose to be fulfilled. We are creatures who’s very survival to this point has relied on each of us serving the tribe. We aren’t hunter gatherers any more, but you don’t just shake that kind of natural instinct in a few hundred years. You will never feel more fulfilled then when you are giving back, or helping others. This is a mind shift in how you approach your daily tasks. If we have purpose and chose to serve, we find our passion. The flow in our work that no longer requires external motivation. It is something else at that point. It becomes intrinsic motivation.


Servant Mentality + Your Talent, becomes a Passion & Intrinsic motivation


Written by Chris Catania

Chris Catania entered the mortgage industry in 2005. As a seasoned Branch Manager and coach at Fairway, Chris has consistently been at the forefront of providing, creative problem solving, exceptional service and tailored financial solutions. His commitment to excellence and deep understanding of the mortgage landscape have made him a trusted advisor and a leading figure in the field.

Beyond his professional achievements, Chris is a Army veteran, devoted husband and father. He is an avid outdoorsman and hunter. Chris also brings his leadership experience and skills to the community as a coach, where he mentors individuals, teaching them the values of teamwork, discipline, accountability and perseverance. Chris Catania's blend of professional acumen, family dedication, and community involvement truly sets him apart as a respected professional and valued community member.

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