Who I want to be in 2024


Navigating Success: The Art of Personal Planning


In the pursuit of success, a well-thought-out plan is your compass, guiding you through the journey. Whether you're aiming for a 5K or defining your life goals, the process begins with a strategic approach tailored to your unique path.


Step 1: Self-Assessment - Know Where You Stand

The first crucial step in any planning endeavor is a sincere self-assessment. Just like preparing for a 5K involves evaluating your fitness level, assessing your current position in life and business is paramount. This introspection serves as the foundation for your personalized roadmap.

Pro Tip: Be transparent with yourself. Acknowledge strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This sets the stage for a realistic and effective plan.


Step 2: Embrace Simplicity - Especially for Beginners, but even the most experienced can stand to make things LESS complicated.

Starting something new can be overwhelming. If you're embarking on a journey for the first time, simplicity is your best friend.  Just as a novice runner wouldn't begin with a marathon, initiate your plan with manageable and achievable steps. This builds momentum and confidence.

Pro Tip: Break down larger goals into smaller, actionable tasks. Celebrate small victories; they pave the way for significant achievements.


Step 3: Ditch the Overwhelming Plans - Focus on YOUR Steps

It's easy to get lost in elaborate plans crafted by others. Remember, your journey is unique. Instead of replicating complex strategies, focus on the steps that resonate with you. Be authentic in your approach, aligning each move with your values and aspirations.

Pro Tip: Create a plan that feels like YOURS. It might not be as flashy, but authenticity breeds success.


Step 4: Utilize Assessment Tools - A Practical Guide

To aid in your self-assessment, I've crafted a simple yet effective tool. The tool will help you identify key areas in your life and business, laying the groundwork for your personalized plan.

Pro Tip: Leverage the assessment tool to gain clarity and direction.  It's a practical companion to your planning journey.


At the end of the day, planning is an art, not a rigid science. It evolves as you do, adapting to your progress and changing circumstances. Keep an eye out in the coming weeks as we continue to share tips, and a more in-depth discussion.


Your journey to success is uniquely yours - plan accordingly and embrace the adventure!

Who I want to bein 2024 Planning Doc

Written by Carrie Guarrero

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